Answered By: Research Help, Thomas Cooper Library
Last Updated: Aug 30, 2022     Views: 2365

The Business Source Complete database includes every volume of Harvard Business Review (HBR) magazine back to the first issue published in 1922.

From the publication details page for HBR, use "Search within this publication" on the left to search for the article title or use topic keywords. You can also use the years/volumes/issues menu on the right to drill down to a specific issue.

From the University Libraries homepage:

  • Click Databases and choose Business Source Complete. Enter "Harvard Business Review" in one of the search boxes and add a title or keyword in another of the search boxes.

Note: The publisher offers limited, read-only access to the 500 most popular articles in HBR. The PDF of these articles cannot be printed, downloaded or saved. You will not be able to access the PDF using the permalink provided. You can only access these articles using the steps above and read them online within the database for personal research.

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